.:: Mahavigyan !! The Ultimate Science

Mahavigyan By Shri Shri 108 Mahatma Baikal Das Part-3

Man can always be victorious in this world by adhering to both duty and action, like Parashuram. One should not be treacherous, and should furnish appropriate advice. Ego is the root of all evils as may be seen in the case of Parashuram. One can achieve his goal by being cautious. These are some conclusions according to Supra Wisdom. Supra Wisdom is great concept. But with grace of God, it can be achieved. It is also found in Chanakyaneeti, I will write it too. It says - anyone going near fire burns. However, our body cannot be without it. The ting which causes pain also provides pleasure. There is no food without fire. All the elements in the body work on fire.

The characteristic of water is that there is no peace without it, and it causes much pain as well. The human body is made of water and is also destroyed by it, like – egg born, born from the womb, sweat born (insects) and those propagated by sprouts. Humans may be destroyed by water. Thus, that which nourishes destroys too. These elements are ever prevailing in happiness and sorrow both. The persons who do not know this are ignorant. Seekers of Supra Wisdom are too busy contemplating on their own actions and its results to criticize others. If a person becomes wise enough to understand that there is no limit to experiencing pleasure and pain, (s)he can make oneself inert like the earth and be blissful. This world will be an illusion for her/him.

This was written about fire and water which serve humans. The wise will know. How woman may be the cause of sorrow is also written. The Vedas mention 16 adornments for women –
1. Body purification
2. Cleaning teeth
3. Nose stud
4. Dress
5. Color for feet
6. Hair
7. Vermillion
8. Chin
9. Forehead
10. Forehead pendant
11. Body scrub
12. Jewellery
13. Perfume
14. Rouge
15. Melody
16.Lip colour and kajal.

Chanakya has described these too, and they are also in the Bhagvad Gita. Now I will write what is body purification? One type of purification is that done early in the morning after waking up. It is said that there are three - laya, holocaust and great holocaust. Human always remains in laya. The God protects him until he does not wake. Sleeping is a sort of holocaust. Only when the spirit enters the embryo does birth take place. At that time the first thing done is cleaning the body. So this is one type of purification, the other is cleaning of teeth. Then comes bathing. All these may be considered as body purifications. Ornaments are a part of Laxmi, the wife of Vishnu. Laxmi/woman is not considered at fault. Fault is in those who see her with bad intention, because Laxmi is hoped for by everyone. None gets respect without Laxmi. Saints and seers also respected her, that is why we are called sons of saints.

Dress protects our dignity because according to customs, it is not appropriate for some parts of body to be shown and these are seen only at appropriate time. Covering them with cloths is supposed to be the basis of dignity. Even in the absence of Laxmi, protecting one’s dignity is prescribed. So this is the description of body purification, dress and jewellery. Why elaborate more? It is enough for everyone to not to see with bad intention. It is a sin for nothing. Essence of this discourse is that our saints in Satyug, Treta and Dwapar used to see breast as a glass of milk and vagina as a path. That is how our ancestors in Satyug used to see. Women at the time of menses used to request the gods to have a child with their godly attributes. As Tulsidas wrote in Ramcharitmanas:

Ansanh sahit manuj avtara
Lehuon dinkar bans udara
I will incarnate as a human, with my aides
I will incarnate as a human, with my aides
(Lord Vishnu consoled the sages and gods)

It denotes that this is mantra for mantramala. They were rishis indeed and produced progeny too. There is no fault in acting according to time. Man and woman are same, but animals are hundred times better these days. Such adulterating men are just animals. This Supra Wisdom is attainable only through company of the wise. So seek the company of saints. This knowledge makes one human. No place or object is unachievable for her/him in this world. This is Avdhoot state - one forgets physical pleasures and attains super conscious state. It is this for which our body is. Such person is not disturbed by worldly affairs. As our saints Balmikiji, Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan, Sanatkumar, Vishwamitra, Tulsidas, Kabirdas never felt unhappiness. This can be done while leading a family life. A company of saints helps in this endeavor. One can choose to go to heaven or hell with one’s money, woman and deeds.

There are two paths in this world. Which one is beautiful? One will be accomplished by fulfilling his duty properly.

Kalijug sam jug aan nahin jo nar kar vishwas
There is no era like Kaliyug if one believes

There are not much sufferings in Kaliyug, only ordinary. If one is honest, he can enjoy the world. According to Supra Wisdom we create pain or pleasure for ourselves through own actions. For wise one there are four duties of Satyug –
1. chhama – forgiveness
2. daya – compassion
3. samta – equanimity
4. rajjor - non attachment.

A detail of eighteen assortments (varns) follows.