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‘Living With the Himalayan Masters’ by Swami Ram

Swami Ram is one of the greatest yogi, teacher, writer, and humanitarian the world has seen in the 20th century. He was highly educated and was equally adept as a musician, artist, and researcher. He founded several organizations, including the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy which has branches across the world, and the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust.

The book Living with the Himalayan Masters is his autobiographical work. Swami Ram has put his most wonderful experiences during his spiritual journey in this autobiographical book. In this book is narrated the story of his transformation from a naughty boy into a saint. "I will tell you how I grew up and how I was trained, about the great sages with whom I lived and what they taught me, not through lectures and books but through experiences," writes Sri Swami Ram in the opening pages of the book.

He recalls the love and affection received from his Guru (commonly known as Bengali Baba) and other seniors from his tradition, his encounter with several great personalities of his time, stories of his spiritual endeavors. Above all, he gives a very honest, lucid and transparent narration of his rise and fall in the path of spiritual accomplishment. The most appealing point of this book is that while reading this book reader never gets intimidated with the greatness of Swami Ram. He has wrapped his greatness under the garb of humility in a beautiful and skilled way. He has narrated his experiences in such a personal tone that the moment one starts reading this book; he develops a certain type of bond and camaraderie with him. Swami Ram has unveiled the secrets of mystic world of spirituality in a very simple, heart touching and sometimes a little humorous way. The flowing and lucid language of this book shows tender and poetic side of his strong personality.

Like the words of any great saint, Living with the Himalayan Masters also contains several layers of wisdom. The layers of the ancient wisdom in this book unfold according to the understanding of the reader. Swamiji writes about his Guru with great affection and love. He has beautifully described the importance of Guru in the path of spirituality.

He wrote in great detail about the basic principles of the spiritual path: non-attachment, fearlessness, inner strength, cheerfulness, selfless service and love for all. For him spirituality is nothing but the pursuit of Truth. Truth is the experience attained in Samadhi, the definitive state of meditation. "All the great religions of the world have come out of one Truth," he asserts. "If we follow religion without practicing the Truth, it is like the blind leading the blind”. He states that Truth can be attained through direct experience only and not through the second hand experience attained from books or lectures. It is possible for everyone regardless of gender, religion, background or temperament. Realization of Truth exposes the inherent unity of all living creature that leads toward the love for all. Those who belong to God love all, excluding none. Love is the universal religion.

Living with the Himalayan Masters is a book from which reader gets the courage to tread the glorious path of seeking the truth. According to Swami Ram, “The purpose of this message is to awaken the divine flame that resides in the reservoir of every human being. This flame, when perfectly kindled by spiritual discipline, mounts higher and higher into the vast light of Truth.” And this book serves this purpose very well.

Name of book: Living with the Himalayan Masters
Publisher: Himalayan Institute
Writer: Swami Ram